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Enact the choice Constitutional Monarchy in the Monarchy Power Civic, or the choice Democratic Republic in either the Republic Evolution Civic or the Aristocracy Evolution Civic.


Should citizenship be universal or for selected groups?


Liberty The choices taken emphasize people taking initiative in organizing their society, in what they express, in what they say to the political structure, etc.
Universal Citizenship

Everyone is entitled to become a full citizen of the empire.

  • Modifies the Order axis towards Liberty
  • +25 Stability on all Cities
Authority The choices taken emphasize controlling any dissidence, in policing more or less closely the population, defining what people are allowed to do and not do in a top-down manner, etc.
Select Citizenship

Citizenship is conditional, not to be given to any wanderer within our borders.

  • Modifies the Order axis towards Authority
  • +5 Stability on Market Quarter