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International Trading
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Earn at least 5 Merchant Era Stars since the beginning of the game and meet every Empire.

International Trading

What is our guiding foreign economic policy?


Individualism The choices taken emphasize deregulation, shifting of power to private entities, supporting individual interests instead of collective ones.

Money makes the world go round. And we don't want to stop it spinning.

  • Modifies the Economic axis towards Individualism
  • Authorizes trade of goods even in a diplomatic state of War.
Homeland The choices taken emphasize group defense, exceptionalism, militarization for reasons against other groups, etc.

The fruits of our labors are ours and our allies alone.

  • Modifies the Geopolitical axis towards Homeland
  • Authorizes trade of goods with Allies only.
  • Prevents the spread of other Empires' spheres of influence from non-allied Territories.