Era Stars
  • Builder
  • Builder Stars
  • Cultural
  • Aesthete Stars
  • Diplomat
  • Diplomat Stars
  • Expansionist
  • Expansionist Stars
  • Farmer
  • Agrarian Stars
  • Growth Star
  • Merchant
  • Merchant Stars
  • Scientist
  • Knowledge Star
  • Scientist Stars
  • Warmonger
  • Hunter Star
  • Militarist Stars
Homepage Fame & Cultures Game Content Era Stars


Aim for the Stars

In Humankind, Era Stars are objectives that you must accomplish to leave your mark on history. Whether you're focusing on becoming a military giant, an economic powerhouse, or a scientific colossus, earning Era Stars will allow you to advance to the next Era where new abilities, Units, and Technologies will become available. Familiarize yourself with all the different Era Stars here.

Era Stars
Gameplay orientation
Formula by level
Aesthete Stars Aesthete Stars
+ 100
  • (600 * (NbEra + 1) ^ 2.50) * GameSpeed
  • (600 * (NbEra + 1) ^ 2.50) * GameSpeed
  • (600 * (NbEra + 1) ^ 2.50) * GameSpeed
Agrarian Stars Agrarian Stars
+ 100
  • ((NbEra + 1) * 7) + 5
  • ((NbEra + 1) * 7) + 5
  • ((NbEra + 1) * 7) + 5
Builder Stars Builder Stars
+ 100
  • (NbEra * 4) + 6
  • (NbEra * 4) + 6
  • (NbEra * 4) + 6
Diplomat Stars Diplomat Stars
+ 100
  • ((Max(((((Era * 0.15) * 10) * GameSpeed) * 5), 5) + ((((((Era * 0.15) * 10) * GameSpeed) * ThirdPartyRelationships) * 10) * 0.05) ^ 1) / 5000) ^ 1 * 5000
  • ((Max(((((Era * 0.15) * 10) * GameSpeed) * 5), 10) + ((((((Era * 0.15) * 10) * GameSpeed) * ThirdPartyRelationships) * 10) * 0.10) ^ 1) / 5000) ^ 1 * 5000
  • ((Max(((((Era * 0.15) * 10) * GameSpeed) * 5), 10) + ((((((Era * 0.15) * 10) * GameSpeed) * ThirdPartyRelationships) * 10) * 0.15) ^ 1) / 5000) ^ 1 * 5000
Expansionist Stars Expansionist Stars
+ 100
  • Max(1, (1 - NbEra)) + Max(1, ((8 * Min(1, (((((WorldSize ^ 2 * 1.70) * LandPercentage) / 41) / (NumberOfMajorEmpire * 0.90)) / 50))) * (NbEra / 5) ^ 0.90))
  • Max(1, ((8 * Min(1, (((((WorldSize ^ 2 * 1.70) * LandPercentage) / 41) / (NumberOfMajorEmpire * 0.90)) / 50))) * (NbEra / 5) ^ 0.90))
  • Max(1, ((8 * Min(1, (((((WorldSize ^ 2 * 1.70) * LandPercentage) / 41) / (NumberOfMajorEmpire * 0.90)) / 50))) * (NbEra / 5) ^ 0.90))
Growth Star Growth Star
+ 100
  • Max(2, (5 * GameSpeed))
Hunter Star Hunter Star
+ 100
  • Max(1, (5 * GameSpeed))
Knowledge Star Knowledge Star
+ 100
  • Max(1, (%KnowledgeThreshold * GameSpeed))
Merchant Stars Merchant Stars
+ 100
  • ((500 * (NbEra + 1) ^ 3) + 100) * GameSpeed
  • ((500 * (NbEra + 1) ^ 3) + 100) * GameSpeed
  • ((500 * (NbEra + 1) ^ 3) + 100) * GameSpeed
Militarist Stars Militarist Stars
+ 100
  • (((Era + 1) * 2) + 2) * GameSpeed
  • (((Era + 1) * 2) + 2) * GameSpeed
  • (((Era + 1) * 2) + 2) * GameSpeed
Scientist Stars Scientist Stars
+ 100
  • (NumberOfLockedByTechnologyTechnologies + NumberOfAvailableTechnologies) / (3 + Era available to research)
  • (NumberOfLockedByTechnologyTechnologies + NumberOfAvailableTechnologies) / (4 + Era available to research)
  • (NumberOfLockedByTechnologyTechnologies + NumberOfAvailableTechnologies) / (4 + Era available to research)

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