Every City is unique, and that is no different in Humankind. From humble beginnings, your Cities can expand in any way you see fit, becoming austere, military havens on the Empire's hinterlands to rich breadbaskets at the heart of the realm to anything besides. Districts are their building-blocks, and it is through their placement that you can build your own dream metropolis.
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts any Luxury Resource from the Deposit it is built on.
-10 Stability
+3 Science per adjacent Farmers Quarter
On City or Outpost:
+1 Food per Researchers
+1 Science per Researchers
+1 Researchers Slot
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Count as " Research Quarter"
+3 Money
+10 District Fortification
Replaces regular Outpost
Can be used as a Land Spawn Point for neighbor Cities
+20 Health Regeneration on Unit in Territory
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
+3 Food
-10 Stability
+2 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Is considered as a River.
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
-10 Stability
+2 Faith per adjacent District
+1 Science
+8 Stability
+5 Science per adjacent Mountain
+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Research Quarter"
+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Copper Deposit it is built on.
+2 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
+5 Stability
+20 District Fortification
Count as " Makers Quarter"
Count as "
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
Increases the Movement cost of hostile armies within a range of 1 Tile.
+2 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
+3 Influence
+20 District Fortification
Count as "
Count as " Commons Quarter"
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
+5 Leverage against all known Empires when the Eduba is built
+2 Science
-10 Stability
+1 Science per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+6 Science per adjacent Main Plaza
+6 Science per adjacent Administrative Center
Count as " Research Quarter"
+3 Industry
+1 Influence
-10 Stability
+2 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter
+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Makers Quarter"
+5 Stability per Era
+3 Influence per Era per adjacent District
+1 Food
-10 Stability
+1 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
+2 Food
-10 Stability
+2 Food per adjacent River
+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
+1 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
+5 Stability
+10 District Fortification
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
-10 Stability
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Is: Naval Unit Spawn.
Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost.
-10 Stability
+2 Money per adjacent Coastal Water
+2 Money per adjacent Lake
On City or Outpost:
+1 Traders Slot
+1 Farmers Slot
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Count as " Market Quarter"
Is: Naval Unit Spawn.
Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost.
+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Horses Deposit it is built on.
+1 Industry
-10 Stability
+1 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter
+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost
+3 Money
-10 Stability
+1 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
+2 Industry
+2 Money
-10 Stability
+3 Money per adjacent Makers Quarter
+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Market Quarter"
Count as " Makers Quarter"
Replaces regular Outpost
+10 Food on Adjacent Cities
Is fortified.
+3 Food
+1 Influence
-10 Stability
+1 Influence per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
+3 Science per Era
+1 Influence per Era
-10 Stability
+2 Science per adjacent District
Count as " Research Quarter"
+2 Influence
+5 Stability per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+5 Stability per adjacent Makers Quarter
+5 Stability per adjacent Research Quarter
+5 Stability per adjacent Market Quarter
-10 Stability
+10 District Fortification
+3 Industry per adjacent Coastal Water
+2 Industry per adjacent Lake
+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Count as " Market Quarter"
Count as " Makers Quarter"
Is: Naval Unit Spawn.
Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost.
+3 Food
-10 Stability
+2 Food per adjacent Sterile Terrain
+1 Food on Exploitation
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
+1 Money per Territories under the Religion's influence
+3 Money
-10 Stability
+3 Faith
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
Count as "
Count as " Market Quarter"
+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Iron Deposit it is built on.
+3 Industry per number of attached Territories
-10 Stability
+2 Faith
+4 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter
+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Makers Quarter"
Count as "
-15 Stability per adjacent District
On Marae:
+5 Influence per Marae in your Empire
+3 Faith per Marae in your Empire
Count as "
On Emblematic District:
+2 Influence
+1 Faith
Count as "
+3 Food per number of attached Territories
-10 Stability
+3 Faith
+3 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
Count as "
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Replaces regular Outpost
Cannot be attached to Cities
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
-10 Stability
Count as " Makers Quarter"
Creates a new Deposit of Paper which is automatically exploited.
+1 Science per researched technologies
+10 Science per Paper when a Leverage Intel is collected
+3 Science
-10 Stability
+1 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
+5 Money
+1 Influence
-10 Stability
+2 Influence per adjacent District
+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Market Quarter"
+3 Science
+1 Influence
-10 Stability
+2 Faith
+2 Influence per adjacent District
+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Research Quarter"
Count as "
+5 Influence
+5 Stability per adjacent District
+50 Fame on Constructible on Victorious City
Count as " Commons Quarter"
+3 Influence
+3 Faith
+2 Faith per adjacent District
+5% Ransack gains on Army
Count as " Commons Quarter"
Count as "
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
+3 Money per Number of unique types of Resources available
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Count as " Market Quarter"
Is: Naval Unit Spawn.
Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost.
+5 Food
-10 Stability
+4 Industry per adjacent River
+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Makers Quarter"
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
+10 Stability
+10 Influence on Settled City
Count as " Commons Quarter"
+3 Science per number of attached Territories
-10 Stability
+5 Faith
+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Research Quarter"
Count as "
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
-10 Stability
On City or Outpost:
+1 Traders Slot
+1 Workers Slot
+1 Researchers Slot
+1 Farmers Slot
+5 Money per
+3 Money
-10 Stability
+25 Money per adjacent Horses Deposit
+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Market Quarter"
+1 Faith per District
+3 Influence
-10 Stability
+3 Faith per adjacent District
Count as "
Count as " Makers Quarter"
+6 Influence when a Leverage Intel is collected on Empire
+1 Stability per Territory following your State Religion
+2 turns before being converted by other's Religion on Territories
Count as " Commons Quarter"
+1 Money per number of Trade Routes
+5 Money
-10 Stability
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Market Quarter"
+10 Food
-10 Stability
+5 Faith
Count as "
+10 Influence
+10 Food
-10 Stability
+10 Faith
Count as "
+15 Influence
+15 Food
-10 Stability
+15 Faith
Count as "
-10 Stability
+5 Food per adjacent Coastal Water
+5 Food per adjacent Lake
+50 Money from Ransack on Empire
+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Count as " Market Quarter"
Is: Naval Unit Spawn.
Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost.
Replaces regular Outpost
Cannot be attached to Cities
-50% Industry cost reduction of adjacent Districts
-10 Stability
+2 Money per adjacent District
On Religious District:
+3 Industry
+3 Faith
Count as "
+10 Stability
+5 Faith
+2 Influence per adjacent District
Count as "
Count as " Commons Quarter"
Unlocks 'Sacrifice Population' action on this City. Such sacrifice will apply the Celebrating status for several turns.
+5 Science
-10 Stability
+3 Faith
+2 Influence per adjacent Research Quarter
+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Research Quarter"
Increase the range by 2 for Ranged Units standing on it
+3 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
+5 Stability
+20 District Fortification
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Count as "
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
Applies Eagle-Eyed to any friendly Army located on this District:
+2 Vision Range
+2 Attack Range if Unit has a Ranged Attack
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Ambergris Deposit it is built on.
+3 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
+2 Influence
+8 Stability
+20 District Fortification
Count as "
Count as " Commons Quarter"
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
Protects neighboring Tiles from being ransacked.
+2 Money
+4 Influence
-10 Stability
+2 Influence per adjacent District
+1 Money on Tile producing Money
Count as " Market Quarter"
+1 Faith per Population
+5 Stability
+3 Faith per adjacent District
Count as "
Count as " Commons Quarter"
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Coffee Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Dye Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Ebony Deposit it is built on.
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
-10 Stability
+5 Food per adjacent Exploitation
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Gemstone Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Gold Deposit it is built on.
+1 Influence per Districts in Territory
+2 Influence per adjacent District
Count as " Commons Quarter"
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Incense Deposit it is built on.
+3 Industry per Workers
+3 Industry
+2 Influence
-10 Stability
+3 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter
Count as " Makers Quarter"
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Lead Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Marble Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Mercury Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Obsidian Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Papyrus Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Pearl Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Porcelain Deposit it is built on.
+5 Food
+1 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
+5 Stability
+10 District Fortification
Count as "
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Saffron Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Sage Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Salt Deposit it is built on.
+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Saltpetre Deposit it is built on.
+2 Science
+2 Influence
-10 Stability
+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
On City or Outpost:
+1 Science per Researchers
+1 Researchers Slot
Count as " Research Quarter"
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Silk Deposit it is built on.
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Silver Deposit it is built on.
+1 Faith per District
+3 Influence
-10 Stability
+3 Influence per adjacent District
Count as "
+30 Stability
+50 Fame on Constructible
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Tea Deposit it is built on.
+2 Influence
-10 Stability
+3 Faith
+5 Influence per adjacent Mountain
Count as "
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
-10 Stability
+2 Vision Range
+3 Food per adjacent Mountain
-25% Territory Attachment Cost on adjacent Territories
+5 Food per number of attached Territories
-10 Stability
+3 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
+1 Money
-10 Stability
+20 Money per adjacent Harbor
On City or Outpost:
+1 Traders Slot
+2 Money per Traders
Count as " Market Quarter"
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
+1 Money per Era
-10 Stability
+2 Farmers Slot per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+2 Workers Slot per adjacent Makers Quarter
+2 Traders Slot per adjacent Market Quarter
+2 Researchers Slot per adjacent Research Quarter
Count as " Market Quarter"
+5 Pollution
-10 Stability
Is: Air Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.
Count as "
Count as " Commons Quarter"
Is fortified.
Increases the Movement cost of hostile armies within a range of 2 Tile.
+1 Money per number of Trade Routes
+5 Industry
+5 Money
-10 Stability
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Makers Quarter"
Count as " Market Quarter"
Applies Swift to any friendly Army located on this District:
+3 Land Movement Speed
+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Coal Deposit it is built on.
+1 Industry per Population
+10 Pollution
-10 Stability
+3 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter
+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Makers Quarter"
+3 Science
-10 Stability
+2 Science on Research Quarter
+2 Influence on Religious District
Count as " Research Quarter"
+10 Money
+10 Money for Liege
Per adjacent District:
+2 Money
+2 Money for Liege
Count as " Market Quarter"
-10 Stability
+5 Influence per adjacent District
+2 Science per number of Trade Routes on City or Outpost
Count as " Research Quarter"
+1 Money per Population
+5 Industry
-10 Stability
+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Count as " Market Quarter"
Count as " Makers Quarter"
+1 Food
-10 Stability
+3 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+1 Food on Tile producing Food
+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
-10 Stability
+1 Food per adjacent Coastal Water
+15 Food per adjacent Ocean
-3 Pollution
+2 Influence
+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Extracts Resources from the Oil Deposit it is built on.
+1 Stability per Districts in Territory
+5 Influence
+2 Stability per adjacent District
Count as " Commons Quarter"
Creates a new Deposit of Salted Beef which is automatically exploited.
-10% Army Upkeep on Army
+5 Stability per Salted Beef on all Cities
-1% Army Upkeep per Salted Beef on Army
+3 Influence
+5 Stability
+5 Faith per adjacent District
+10 Health Regeneration on Unit
Count as "
+1 Influence per Traders
+1 Influence per Researchers
+1 Influence
+5 Stability
+2 Influence per adjacent Commons Quarter
+5 Pollution
-10 Stability
+5 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter
Generates rails towards neighboring Train Stations. Rails allow to travel instantly from one Train Station to another at the cost of 1 Movement Point.
Can be built once per Territory.
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
+4 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
+5 Stability
+25 Experience on creating Units on City or Outpost
Count as "
Count as " Farmers Quarter"
Is: Land Unit Spawn.
Is fortified.