A few of humankind's greatest constructions transcend history, become timeless landmarks that never stop inspiring awe. Each Cultural Wonder grants powerful effects, yet it is perhaps their influence on your opponents' psyche where they have their most potent impact. Each one can only be built once, so don't hesitate when you have your eye set on one!
+20 Stability
Extracts any Luxury Resource from the Deposit it is built on.
+20 Stability
+20 Stability
+1 Land Movement Speed on Unit
On Mounted Unit:
+2 Combat Strength
-25% Unit Upkeep
On Vehicle:
+2 Combat Strength
-25% Unit Upkeep
Creates a new Deposit of Horses which is automatically exploited.
+20 Food per Coreligionist States
+10 Stability per Coreligionist States
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
On Capital:
+5 Stability on the Capital of Empires following the same Religion
+5% Food on the Capital of Empires following the same Religion
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+4 Faith per adjacent District
+10 Health Regeneration on Unit
+2 Combat Strength on Unit has a Ranged Attack
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+5 Faith per Number of enacted Civics
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
Enables the Blood and Games event, which lets you choose between spawning Militia Units or gaining War Support at the start of a War.
+20 Stability
+4 Stability per adjacent District
On Empire:
+5% Money per Number of ongoing Wars declared by You
+5% Money per Number of ongoing Wars declared by others
-50% War Weariness
Militia are not lost over time during Sieges
+20 Stability
+50% Militia Units spawned when a City is under siege
+15 Industry per adjacent Harbor
+2 Combat Strength on Militia
+20 Stability
+5 Vision Range
On Naval Unit :
+1 Combat Strength
+2 Naval Movement Speed
On Naval Transport:
+1 Combat Strength
+2 Naval Movement Speed
+20 Stability
+2 Influence per adjacent District
+2 Science per District on City or Outpost
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+4 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
+2 Food on Territory's Districts and Exploitations
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
+5% Money per Alliance on Empire
+15 Stability on City or Outpost
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+1 Food per Faith
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+20 Stability
+10 Faith per adjacent Mountain
On Stealth Units:
+4 Combat Strength bonus when Ambushing
+10 Stealth
+1 Detection on Administrative Center
+1 Detection on Main Plaza
-10 Minimum War Support to declare a Surprise War
-20 Minimum War Support to declare a Formal War
+25 War Support increased when going to war
+20 Stability
+5 Stability per adjacent District
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5% Additional
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+20 Stability
+2% Money per Number of unique types of Resources available on Empire
+1 Faith per researched technologies
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+8 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+1 Industry per State Religion Follower
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5 Faith per adjacent Forest
+5 Faith per adjacent Rocky Forest
+20% turns before being converted by other's Religion on City or Outpost
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
Once completed, gain 50 Fame for each previously claimed Cultural Wonder in your Empire.
Once completed, gain 50 bonus Fame for each new Cultural Wonder constructed in your Empire.
+20 Stability
+10 Influence per adjacent District
+15 Industry per adjacent Market Quarter
+15 Money per adjacent Makers Quarter
Units regenerate a small amount of Health when outside of your Territory
+20 Stability
On Unit:
+1 Combat Strength per Veterancy level
+100 Money per Units Destroyed
All of your other Cities gain Food equal to 50% of the Food produced by Machu Picchu's City.
+20 Stability
-20% Leverage Action cost for the owner of Versailles Palace.
+20% Leverage Action cost for all other Empires.
+20 Stability
Per adjacent Commons Quarter:
+2 Influence
+8 Stability
+1 Faith per District
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5 Influence per adjacent District
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5 Science per adjacent Commons Quarter
+10 Influence per Territories under the Religion's influence on Territories following your State Religion
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+20 Stability
+50% Money on Settled City
+20 Stability
+5 Influence per adjacent Makers Quarter
On City or Outpost:
+5% Industry
+100% Production towards any Shared Project (National Project, Holy Site or Cultural Wonder)
+20 Stability
+3 Science per adjacent Market Quarter
+8 Science per adjacent Administrative Center
+8 Science per adjacent Main Plaza
+5% Science per Alliance on Empire
+10% Science on Capital
+20 Stability
+10 Industry per adjacent Research Quarter
+1 Industry per Population on all Cities
Allows construction of new Districts on adjacent Tiles
+20 Stability
-50% Heal action cost on Naval Unit
+20 Industry on Harbor
Is considered as a Harbor.
Is: Naval Unit Spawn.
Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost.
Is fortified.
+20 Stability
On Empire:
+10 Money per Number of Territories in your sphere of influence
+10 Science per Number of Territories in your sphere of influence
+5 Science per past Osmosis events
+20 Stability
+100% Osmosis Event frequency on City or Outpost
Count as " Commons Quarter"
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
On all Cities:
+10% Money
+10% Industry
+10% Food
Count as "
Count as "
Is considered as a Holy Site but does not count toward the Holy Site cap.
+20 Stability
+5% International Sway per adjacent Embassy
+50% International Sway on Empire
+20 Stability
+15 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
+20% Money generated from on-going Trade on all Cities
Enables the A Fitting Stage event, which periodically lets you allocate the Maracanã Stadium's effect between bonus Money, Influence or Stability.
+20 Stability
+8 Influence per adjacent Commons Quarter
+20 Stability
+5 Science per number of Trade Routes on City or Outpost
+5% Science per Alliance on Empire
+20 Stability
On Settled City:
+10% Money
+10% Industry
+10% Food
+10% Science
+20 Stability on City or Outpost
+20 Stability
+1 Number of bombardments per turn on Unit
+20 District Fortification on District